Bill Wright, Cosmologist



I'm currently a postdoctoral research assistant in the field of cosmology, working with Tessa Baker at QMUL — I started in January 2020. But before that, from 2016-2019, I was a PhD student at ICG Portsmouth supervised by Kazuya Koyama. And before that, from 2012-2016, I was an MPhys student at Durham — I did my final-year project with Baojiu Li. You can read more about my research interests on the Research page.

Outside of cosmology, I love playing a sport called Ultimate Frisbee. I first picked up Ultimate while at Durham and have competed in tournaments across the UK with various teams; I currently play for Oxford Ultimate Club. I'm a keen reader, mainly of sci-fi and fantasy, but occasionally popular economics and history books too. Finally, I also love cooking, baking, surfing, and computer games.